
Discover the global impact of our members.

Pro bono experience in the US: The use of virtual models ... Dorothy Fernandez- Pro Bono Counsel, Morrison Foerster
Pro bono in Hong Kong: Resolving community legal needs during a ... Billy Lam (Partner) and Jennifer Cheung (Pro Bono Manager)- Mayer Brown
U.S. Pro Bono: A Growing Focus on Access to Justice Michael J. Dell (Partner) and Nathan Schwartzberg (Associate) - Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP
Enhancing Access to Justice in Canada through Pro Bono Peter L'Esperance- Lawyer, McInnes Cooper
Pro bono in Ecuador: Transforming Lonely Stars into a Galaxy Paola Gachet & Diego Corral- Robalino Law
Pro bono in the face of global crisis Louis O'Neill- Counsel and Director of Pro Bono / Global Citizenship, White and Case
A Conducive Environment for Pro Bono is Developing in India Kalindhi Bhatia and Prashant Daga- BTG Legal
Access to Justice in Brazil: A Permanent Challenge worsened by the... Bianca dos Santos Waks (Senior pro bono associate) and Flavia Regina de Souza Oliveira (Partner)- Mattos Filho
Argentina’s Pro Bono Status Quo: Challenges Ahead as We Navigate ... Agostina Coniglio and Constanza Connolly
Closing the Gap: Implementing Law Firm Pro Bono Programmes in the ... Hector M. De Leon, Jr.(Managing partner) and Ma. Patricia B. Paz-Jacoba (Partner) - SyCip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan
Pro Bono Legal Services in Zambia: A Leap towards Greater Access ... Mweshi Banda-Mutuna AND Christabel Liche- Mweshi Banda and Associates
As the World Churns - Tumultuous Times for Pro Bono in the United ... Paul S. Lee- Pro Bono Partner, Steptoe & Johnson LLP
Brazil is Becoming a Fertile Landscape for Pro Bono After ... Clara Serva- partner, head of Business & Human Rights and pro bono coordinator and Maria Paula Bonifacio- lawyer, pro bono sub-coordinator, TozziniFreire Advogados
Pro bono in Mexico must expand to support NGO's Lila Alejandra Gasca Enríquez, Pro bono Director- Hogan Lovells
Pro Bono in Spain: Responding to Coronavirus and Russia’s War in ... DLA Piper Pro Bono team
Ukraine Sees Pro Bono Peak due to Russia’s Invasion Silvia Tomkovičová and Galyna Zagorodniuk